4 Ways to Make Today More Magical

At Pirouline, we have a slogan that we believe in so much, you’ll see it printed onto many of our tins: “Make Every Moment Magic.” We believe that every day has the potential to have a magic moment or two – even the most ordinary of them all.

The truth is, when we make an effort to make someone else’s day a little more special, it also leaves us feeling the magic too. If you’re looking for a few easy and cheap ideas to make someone else’s day seem a little extra magical, try these acts of kindness below!

Pay It Forward

This idea is not new nor revolutionary, yet somehow it is one small step of kindness that has the potential to spark a chain reaction. The next time you pull into the drive through to pick up your mid-day coffee, ask how much the order behind you was, and offer to pay for it. You never know what kind of day the person behind you has had – it could be a stay at home mom whose kids are getting on her last nerve, a hard working single dad who is working multiple jobs, trying to make lunches, and learning how to braid hair, or maybe an empty nester who routinely grabs coffee and waits for her grown-up daughter to call and check in. It is in our human nature to be generous, and when we experience unexpected generosity, we also experience unexplainable happiness.

Leave a Handwritten Note

Receiving a kind text is always sweet, but something about a handwritten note feels like the words are more permanent. Try leaving a small handwritten note to someone you love in a place you know they go and wouldn’t expect it. Think how happy they’d be to see a “You’re Beautiful” note stuck on the bathroom mirror, or a “Hope soccer practice is great!” note in a cleat. Sometimes even a few kind words can drastically change someone’s day.

Send someone $5 and a Good Morning text

If you want to make someone’s day and they live far away, here’s a magical suggestion. Send a simple “Good morning! Coffee is on me today” text and $5 via a money transfer app like Cash App, Venmo, or Apple Pay.

Slow Down, and Savor the Moment with a special treat

One reason that we use the phrase “make every moment magic” is because Piroulines are not meant to be snacks you mindlessly chomp on while catching up on The Bachelor. Piroulines are meant to be savored, enjoying the unique texture and appreciating the rich flavor – and nothing makes something sweet taste even better than when you enjoy it with someone you love. We encourage you to pick up a tin and enjoy a few Piroulines with someone you love over a cup of coffee, an after-school snack, and catch-up, or even a quality conversation over dessert. In a world of go, go, go, – slowing down to savor the moment in front of you can be incredibly magical in itself.

What are some other easy ways to make a magical moment today? Leave a suggestion in the comments, and make sure you use #shareaswirl on social media to share every magical moment you enjoy with Piroulines.